Sunday, January 17, 2010

Because It is Time

January 15, 2010

This is my declaration of who I am.

I am a woman of faith. It resonates deep within me, in the most secret places of my being. The One in Whom I place my faith is eternal. Powerful. Mighty. Strength personified.

He sits on a throne of righteousness and justice, surrounded by an immeasurable amount of praise that resonates with my spirit. I understand adoration of the King of Kings. I, too, declare Him as Sovereign and delight in serving Him all of my days.

I dwell in the shadow of His wings, for I declare continuously that He is my fortress, my strongtower, my God in Whom I trust. He is my shelter. Faithful, steady, and true, He has never and will never fail me, whatever my circumstances prompt me to believe.

He has not forgotten or forsaken me in the hard times.

No, it is there—where I am weakest—that His authority in my life has freest reign. When I am too tired to buffet the touch of His hand on my brow. When I am weary of rejecting His advances toward my heart. When I am confident that He has left me to die in the barren wilderness.

It is there that He shows Himself in full glory.

Praise God, I am a saint who sins, He knows me fully and loves me deeply anyway.